This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 290

Hadrian, Dupondius, Aeternitas, 119-121 AD

Ruler: Hadrian
Province: Rome
Date: 119-121 AD
Denomination: Dupondius
Composition: Orichalcum
Obverse: IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG P M TR P COS III, Bust of Hadrian, radiate, facing right, with drapery on left shoulder
Reverse: AETERNIT A S AVGVSTI, Aeternitas, draped, standing to front, head left, holding up heads of Sun on right hand and of Moon on left; S-C left and right, in field
Size: 23 m, 14.6g, 6h
Grade: aVF, dark brown surfaces, green patina in places
Reference(s): BMC 1220 var. (drapery on left shoulder); Cohen 135

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 33

Hadrian, Sestertius, 125-128 A.D.

Ruler: Hadrian
Province: Rome
Date: 125-128 A.D.
Denomination: Sestertius
Composition: Orichalcum
Obverse: Laureate Bust of Hadrian facing right.
Reverse: COSIII SC, Roma seated facing left holding a cornucopia and victory
Grade: Choice EF
Reference(s): RIC II 636, BMC III 1295

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 262

Hadrian, Sestertius, Fortuna, 134-138 AD

Ruler: Hadrian
Province: Rome
Date: 134-138 AD
Denomination: Sestertius
Composition: Orichalcum
Obverse: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, Laureate and draped bust right
Reverse: FORTVNAE REDVCI S C, Hadrian standing right holding roll, clasping hands with Fortuna who holds cornucopia and rudder in left
Size: 31mm, 24.6g, 6h
Grade: VF
Provenance: ex FORVM Ancient Coins (September 2006)
Reference(s): RIC II 761; Cohen II 790, BMCRE III 1518

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 581

Illyria, Dyrrhachion, AR Stater, c. 340-280 BC

Province: Illyria, Dyrrhachion
Date: circa 340-280 BC
Denomination: AR Stater
Composition: Silver
Obverse: Cow standing right, looking back at suckling calf below, standing left; above, ΣΩ monogram
Reverse: Δ-Y-P (retrograde), double stellate pattern divided by line, within double linear square border; below, club; all within linear circular border
Size: 21.98mm, 10.9g, 10h
Grade: VF, weak obverse strike
Provenance: ex Triskeles Auction 22(15 December 2017), Lot 77; ex Classical Numismatic Group (2017)
Reference(s): Meadows, CH (forthcoming) 152 (this coin); BMC Thessaly [Illyria] p. 67, 28; HGC 3, 34; cf. SGCV I 1892 (diff. monogram); SNG Copenhagen -; SNG Alpha Bank -; SNG Soutzos -

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 176

Indo-Scythian Kingdom, Azes, AE Tetradrachm, c. 58-20 BC

Ruler: Azes I-II
Province: Indo-Scythian Kingdom, India, Taxila mint
Date: circa 58-12 BC
Denomination: Tetrdrachm
Composition: Bronze
Obverse: BASILEWS BASILEWN MEGALOU AZOU, Humped Brahman bull (zebu) walking right, Whitehead symbol 15 (Z in square) above
Reverse: Kharosthi "jha" to right / Kharosthi legend, Lion or leopard standing right, Whitehead symbol 26 above
Size: 25.2 mm, 12.2 g
Grade: aVF
Reference(s): Whitehead 259; BMC p. 86, 141.

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 730

Ionia, Ephesus, AR Drachm, 134/3 BC, SNG Von Aulock Plate Coin

Province: Ionia, Ephesus
Date: 134/3 BC (A = year 1)
Denomination: AR Drachm
Composition: Silver
Obverse: Lion’s skin hanging over club ; the whole within vine-wreath
Reverse: ΕΦΕ, Bunch of grapes lying upon a laurel leaf; above, bee; to left, A; to right, a long torch (off-field)
Size: 17.04mm, 3.0g, 7h
Grade: EF, well struck, old cabinet tone; likely the finest specimen of this type
Provenance: published in SNG von Aulock, from the von Aulock and GMH collections; ex Leu Numismatik Auction 13 (29 April 1975) Lot 227; ex Numismatica Ars Classica Auction 114, Part I (7 May 2019), Lot 239
Reference(s): SNG von Aulock 1859 = Kleiner-Noe series 40, 8a and pl. XVII, 7 (this coin illustrated); Kleiner Ephesus 76; BMC Ionia p. 64, 155 var. (no A, bee in wreath to right); SNG Copenhagen 314 var. (same); SGCV II 4392 var. (same)

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 853

Ionia, Miletus, AR Drachm, c. 260-250 BC, Maiandros, magistrate

Ruler: Maiandros, magistrate
Province: Ionia, Miletus
Date: circa 260-250 BC
Denomination: AR Drachm, Persic standard
Composition: Silver
Obverse: Laureate head of Apollo left
Reverse: [M]AIANΔPIO[Σ], Lion standing left, looking back at star of with rays; to left, MI monogram
Size: 20.62mm, 5.0g, 1h
Grade: VF, lovely old cabinet tone, light scratches and depsots; edges filed, likely to fit in bezel
Provenance: Referenced in Kinns Review. From the collection of an English Queen’s Counsel, purchased from B.A. Seaby Ltd. (their ticket included; ex Glendining (1 March 1978), Lot 12
Reference(s): Kinns Review, p. 240 (this coin referenced); Roma E-Sale 62, lot 310 (same dies); BMC Ionia p. 192, 92 (stater); Deppert-Lippitz Period IV, Group II, –; SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 729

Islands off Caria, Rhodos, Rhodes, AR Drachm, Plinthophoric Coinage, struck c. 190-170 BC, SNG Berry Plate Coin

Ruler: stuck under Anaxidotos, magistrate
Province: Rhodes
Date: circa 188-167 BC
Denomination: AR Drachm
Composition: Silver
Obverse: Radiate head of Helios right
Reverse: ΑΝΑΞΙΔΟΤΟΣ, Rose with bud; stem to right; serpent entwined around omphalos to left; to left and right, P-O; all within shallo incuse square;
Size: 16.45mm, 3.0g, 12h
Grade: aEF, well centred, slight flan crack on reverse at 12h, old cabinet tone
Provenance: Illustrated in SNG Berry; from the Burton Y Berry Collection; ex Numismatica Ars Classica Auction 114, Part II (7 May 2019), Lot 1204; ex Gemni LLC Auction XI (12 January 2014), Lot 179
Reference(s): SNG Berry 1129 (this coin, illustrated); Jenkins Rhodian, Group B, 30; SNG Copenhagen 809-810; BMC Caria p. 253, 247-248; HGC 6, 1457; SGCV I 5063; SNG Keckman -

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 624

Islands off Thrace, Thasos, AR Eighth Stater – Diobol, Satyr, c. 500-480 BC

Province: Islands off Thrace, Thasos
Date: circa 500-480 BC
Denomination: AR Eighth Stater – Diobol
Composition: Silver
Obverse: Archaic Satyr running right
Reverse: Quadripartite incuse square
Size: 10.97mm, 0.87g
Grade: VF, toned, cleaning scratches on obverse, deposit and light scuff on reverse
Provenance: ex Classical Numismatic Group eAuction 407 (11 October 2017), Lot 42; ex Cederlind 156 (30 September 2010), Lot 35
Reference(s): Le Rider Thasiennes 4; SNG Copenhagen 191-194 (Lete in Macedon); SNG Ashmolean 3653; Rosen 144; Svoronos HPM, pl. 10, 18-20; HGC 6, 333; SGCV I -

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 582

Julia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD, AE Sestertius, Juno, struck 211-217 AD, Banti Plate Coin

Ruler: Julia Domna, struck under Caracalla
Province: Rome mint
Date: 211-217 AD
Denomination: AE Sestertius
Composition: Orichalcum
Obverse: IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, Bust of Julia Donna, draped, right; hair elaborately waived in nearly vertical waves, with seven horizontal ridges, fastened in a small bun at back and queue on neck
Reverse: IVNONI LV CINAE, Juno, draped, seated left, holding flower in extended right hand and child in swadling clothes at breast on left arm; S C in exergue
Size: 31.80mm, 23.55 g, 12h
Grade: aVF, well centred, light brown patina, hairline flan crack.
Provenance: illustrated in Banti; ex Classical Numismatic Group eAuction 411 (13 December 2017), Lot 406; R. D. Frederick Collection, Classical Numismatic Group eAuction 290 (7 November 2012), lot 410; Thomas Olive Mabbott Collection, Hans M. F. Schulman Auction (Mabbott Part V, 7 July 1970), Lot 485
Reference(s): Banti 26 (this coin illustrated); RIC IV [Caracalla] 586; BMCRE IV [Caracalla] 211 (same reverse die as plate 74, 1); Cohen IV 93

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 665

Julia Domna, Augusta, 193-217 AD, AR Denarius, Diana, struck 211-215 AD

Ruler: Julia Domna, struck under Caracalla
Province: Rome mint
Date: 211-215 AD
Denomination: AR Denarius
Composition: Silver
Obverse: IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, Bust of Julia, draped, right; hair waved in vertical waves, with six horizontal ridges, fastened in a large bun at back and queue on neck
Reverse: DIANA LVCIFERA, Diana, draped, standing front, head left, holding long lighted torch, pointing slightly upward to left, in both hands
Size: 17.90mm, 2.4g, 1h
Grade: EF, fine style, obverse flan flaw
Reference(s): BMCRE V [Caracalla] 1; RIC IV 373A [Caracalla]; Cohen IV 32; RSC III 32

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 595

Julia Maesa, Augusta, 218-224/5 AD, Lydia, Sardis, AE Assarion

Ruler: Julia Maesa, struck under Elagabalus
Province: Lydia, Sardis
Date: 218-224/5 AD
Denomination: AE Assarion
Composition: Bronze
Obverse: IOYΛIA MAICA AY, Draped bust of Julia Maesa facing right
Reverse: CAPΔIANΩN Γ NЄΩKOPΩN, Mên, standing facing, looking left, wearing Phrygian cap; in right hand, holding pine cone; in left hand, holding long sceptre
Size: 17.25mm, 3.82g, 6h
Grade: gVF, roughness, earthen highlights
Provenance: ex Leu Numismatik AG Web Auction 2 (26 November 2017), Lot 419
Reference(s): RPC VI Online 4495; BMC Lydia [Sardes] p. 266, 174 var. (rev. legend); SGICV 3240 var. (same; SNG Copenhagen -

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