This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 270

Domitian, AR Denarius, Pegasus, 79-80 AD

Ruler: Domitian
Province: Ephesus Mint
Date: 79-80 AD
Denomination: AR Denarius
Composition: Silver
Obverse: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS, laureate head right
Reverse: COS IIII above Pegasus stepping right
Size: 19.3 mm, 3.33 g
Grade: VF
Reference(s): RIC 1494, RPC 1465, Sear 2637

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 342

Domitian, Augustus, 81-96 AD, Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch, AE30, SC, struck 81-83 AD

Ruler: Domitian
Province: Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antiochia ad Orontem
Date: 81-83 AD
Denomination: AE30
Composition: Bronze
Obverse: [IMPDOMITIANVSCAESAVG], Laureate bust of Domitian left
Reverse: Large SC within laurel wreath of eight pairs of leaves terminating in a pellet; ϴ (theta) at 6 o'clock beneath SC
Size: 30mm, 15.5g, 12h
Grade: F, bevelled flan, dark green patina,
Reference(s): Butcher 178; McAlee 410(i); SNG Copenhagen 180

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 310

Domitian, Caesar, 69-81 AD, Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch, AE21, SC, struck 69-79 AD

Ruler: Domitian, struck under Vespasian
Province: Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antiochia ad Orontem
Date: 69-79 AD
Denomination: AE21
Composition: Bronze
Obverse: DOMITIA-NV[SCAESAR], Laureate head of Domitian left
Reverse: Large SC within laurel wreath of eight pairs of leaves terminating in a pellet; looped ties at bottom
Size: 21mm, 7.5g, 1h
Grade: gVF, attractive dark green patina,
Reference(s): Butcher 165.iv.c.; BMC Syria [Antioch] p. 181, 252; SNG Copenhagen 181; McAlee 403d; RPC 2017; SGICV 872

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 48

Dyrhachium, Illyria, AR Drachm, c 229 BC

Province: Dyrrhachium, Illyria
Date: c 229 BC
Denomination: AR Drachm
Composition: Silver
Obverse: ΞENΩN, cow standing right, looking back at calf which it suckles, eagle standing right above
Reverse: DUR PURBA, square containing double stellate pattern, club to left.
Size: 20mm
Grade: aVF
Reference(s): Ceka 360; SNG Alpha Bank -

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 789

Eastern Europe, Celtic, Imitations of Philip III of Macedon, AR Drachm, 2nd Century BC

Ruler: imitative of Philip III, Arrhidaeus
Province: Eastern Europe
Date: 2nd Century BC
Denomination: AR Drachm
Composition: Silver
Obverse: Head of Herakles, right, wearing the nemean lionskin headdress
Reverse: Zeus seated left on throne, one leg drawn back, holding eagle and sceptre; in left field, [monogram]
Size: 18.23mm, 2.8g, 11h
Grade: F, struck from worn dies, scyphate flan, high obverse relief, toned, rough surfaces, scrapes, toned
Reference(s): Classical Numismatic Group eAuction 410 Lot 127 (same dies); Savoca Numismatik Auction 36th Silver Auction Lot 5 (same dies); Lanz 939; CCCBM I 203–4; KMW 1489

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 607

Elagabalus, 218-222 AD, AE21, Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch, SC

Ruler: Elagabalus
Province: Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antiochia ad Orontem
Date: 218 to 222 AD
Denomination: AE21
Composition: Bronze
Obverse: AVT KAI MAP AVP ANTΩNEINOC CE, Radiate head of Elagabalus right
Reverse: S C, ΔΕ above, eagle below; all within laurel wreath fastened at top with diamond
Size: 20.62mm, 4.29 g, 12h
Grade: VF, desert patina
Provenance: ex Triskeles Auction 22 (15 December 2017), Lot 336
Reference(s): McAlee 788a; Butcher 470; Waage 589; cf. BMC Galatia [Antioch] p. 203, 426 ff; SGICV -

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 571

Elagabalus, 218-222 AD, AE26, Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis, Demeter

Ruler: Elagabalus, struck under Sergius Titianus, consular legate / governor of Moesia Inferior
Province: Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis
Date: 218 to 222 AD
Denomination: AE26
Composition: Bronze
Obverse: AVT K M AVPHA ANTΩNEINOC, Laureate head of Elagabalus, facing right
Reverse: VΠ CEPΓ TITIANOV MAPKIANOΠOΛITΩN, Demeter standing, facing left; in left hand, holding two corn-ears in extended right hand and vertical sceptre in left
Size: 26.40mm, 10.94g, 12h
Grade: VF, centration dimple on obverse, well centred, boldy struck, smooth fields, green (repatinated) surfaces, slight bare metal on rim
Provenance: From the Hoffman Collection, ex Pegasi Numismatics Auction 3217 (14 November 2017), Lot 316
Reference(s): Varbanov I 1483; AMNG I/I -; Moushmov -; BMC Thrace -; Lindgren II -; Lindgren III -; Weber II -; SGICV -

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 102

Elagabalus, 218-222 AD, AE26, Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis, Nemesis

Ruler: Elagabalus
Province: Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis
Date: 218-222 AD
Denomination: AE26
Composition: Bronze
Obverse: AVT K M AVRHLI ANTΩNEINOC, Laureate bust of emperor facing right
Reverse: VP IOVL ANT CELEVKO MARKIANOPOLITWN, Nemesis standing left, drawing out fold of drapery at shoulder, holding baton, wheel at foot left
Size: 26mm
Grade: VF
Provenance: Uncleaned lot. Coin was cleaned by Ancient Coin Traders
Reference(s): Varbanov 1579; AMNG I/I 838

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 291

Elagabalus, AE30, Provincial, Samosata, Tyche, 218 to 222 AD

Ruler: Elagabalus
Province: Samosata, Syria
Date: 218 to 222 AD
Denomination: AE30
Composition: Bronze
Obverse: AVT K M AV ANTΩNINOC C, laureate head of Elagabalus right
Reverse: CAMOCATEΩN, Tyche seated left on rock, holding corn-ears, Pegasus flying left below.
Size: 30mm
Grade: gVF, nice colour
Reference(s): BMC 42-43 var; Mionnet V, 65; SNG München 396 var

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 703

Elagabalus, with Julia Maesa, 218-222 AD, Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis, AE Pentassarion, Tyche, struck 220-221 AD

Ruler: Elagabalus, with Julia Maesa; Julius Antonius Seleucus, legatus consularis
Province: Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis
Date: 220-221 AD
Denomination: AE Pentassarion
Composition: Bronze
Obverse: AVT K M AVP ANTΩNEINOC AVΓ IOVΛIA MAICA AVΓ, confronted busts of Elagabalus, laureate, and Julia Domna, wearing stephane, draped
Reverse: VΠ IOVΛ ANT CEΛEVKOV MAΡKIANOΠOΛITΩN, Concordia standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae, E to left
Size: 27.69mm, 11.7g, 1h
Grade: aVF, centration dimple, repatinated surfaces
Provenance: Solidus Numismatik e.K. Monthly Auction 24 (14 Jan 2018), Lot 2162 (part of)
Reference(s): Moushmov 681; AMNG I 964; Lindgren III A47a var (rev legend); BMC Thrace p. 36, 62-63; SGICV -

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 293

Euboia, Histiaia, AR Tetrobol, 3rd to 2nd centuries BC

Province: Euboia, Histiaia
Date: 3rd to 2nd centuries BC
Denomination: AR Tetrobol
Composition: Silver
Obverse: Wreathed head of the Nymph Histiaia right
Reverse: [IΣTI] - AEIΩN, Nymph Histiaia seated right on stern of galley, ornamented with wing, holding naval standard; trident below
Size: 14mm, 2.08g, 12h
Grade: VF, lightly toned
Provenance: ex Richard Winokur Collection; Classical Numismatic Group Inc., eAuction 151, Lot 52; ex Amphora Coins (David Hendin)
Reference(s): SNG Soutzos 645; cf. SNG Christomanos 868-869 (no trident); cf. BCD 378 ff.; cf. SNG Alpha Bank 946-971

This coin was struck in antiquity. It is a valuable piece of history that is unique and irreplaceable. It tells us a story of civilisation past. It makes us reflect on the wonders of yesterday. Whose hands did this coin pass through? What spectacles did it bear witness to?

This coin is guaranteed authentic for life. Provenance is important to collectors of ancient coins. Please keep this coin flip insert in a safe place for future owners of this coin.                 pID: 709

Euboia, Histiaia, AR Tetrobol, Delta Y Monogram, 3rd to 2nd centuries BC

Province: Euboia, Histiaia
Date: 3rd to 2nd centuries BC
Denomination: AR Tetrobol
Composition: Silver
Obverse: Head of the Nymph Histiiaia right, wearing earring, necklace and vine-wreath; hair in sphendone
Reverse: IΣTI [A]EIΩN, Nymph Histiaia, her hair bound with vine-wreath, right breast bare, seated right on the stern of a galley, ornamented with wing, and holding a mast with cross-piece (trophy-stand); to her right, ΔY monogram
Size: 13.27mm, 2.3g, 3h
Grade: VF, finest style, well centred on tight flan, some iridescence
Provenance: ex Nomos AG Obolos 10 (30 Jun 2018) Lot 125
Reference(s): BMC Central Greece p. 130, 76; HGC 4, 1524; BCD Euboia -; SNG Copenhagen -; SNG Alpha Bank -

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